Monday, February 6, 2012


It is called the Narilatha flower, which when translated in Hindi means flower in the shape of a lady. It is also called the Liyathabara Mala in local Sri Lankan dialect. The tree is also said to be found in Thailand where it is allegedly called "Nareepol."
The Narilatha flowering plant is said to grow in the hilly slopes of Himalayas in India and is understood to bloom once in two decades only; in other words it blossoms into a lady like flower after a 20-year interval.
It is believed that in times of yore the concentration of hermits and sages doing deep meditation would be shattered at the sight of these lady-shaped flowers.
The Narilatha or Liyathambara flowers said to be in the shape of a women are considered one of the most wonderful and rarest of flowers in the world.

But is it really true???? Who captured or made this? Looks to be some photo shop or even a photo editing trick?
Meanwhile a few facts have been found about ‘Naarilatha.’ It is an orchid belonging to the family Orchidaceae and comes under the Genara of Habenaria.
All Habenaria species are terrestial orchids with tubers. Around ten Habenaria species have been found in Sri Lanka out of which 5 are endemic to the island.
If any of the readers here know anything about this plant Narilatha, you are welcome to post a comment here.

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